The Greatest Gift of All

A red Christmas stocking bag with handles with the message "Feliz Navidad" above a white heart imprint and the slogan "TOUCH A LIFE" with a website address "" below it. A plush penguin, some candy canes, and a black book peeks out from the top of the stocking.
The Art of Giving

The Greatest Gift of All

How You Can Help Us Share the Love of Christ This Christmas

Most Americans will give and receive gifts in December. For those who know the True Meaning of the celebration, it will be an expression of love. God loved us, so He gave His Son to us. According to the angelic army that oversaw His birth (“host” is the same word as “army” in Greek), His gift was for all people, in all generations. 

Jesus continually gifted people with food, health, financial needs, and relief from suffering. He did so to show that He was both the gift-giver and the greatest gift of all.

Though you may already help us by supporting The Great Commission Fund, Touch A Life, Smugglers, or other ministry projects, soon it will be Christmas. Will you help us with a special gift toward a ministry that will make a huge difference for people in places where demonstrations of the love of Christ are rare or unknown?

For a gift of $20, you can provide a Gospel Stocking to a child. Or you can help by giving funds for gospel tracts, Bibles, chickens, lamps, food bags, or even a village well, which would make a huge difference in the lives of believers in one of the countries around the world where we support pastors.

Help us share the love of Christ this Christmas by visiting our store online at

Christmas Stocking $20

Our Christmas stocking is filled with candies, toys, and a gospel tract. These gifts are handed out to children by our regional church planters at Christmas time.

 image of various Christmas gifts laid out on a white fluffy material that looks like snow. The gifts include a 'Santa Biblia' (Holy Bible), a small plush penguin toy, red and white candy canes, along with other candies and small toys suitable for children. Additionally, include a gospel tract among the items. The arrangement should be festive and colorful, with the items spread out as if they have just been taken out of a Christmas stocking.

Feeding Center $100

Help support one of our many feeding centers for one month, which feeds up to 200 children out of a local church every week.

Motorbike $1,350

Motorbikes allow our national church planters to travel much further, with the freedom from public transportation. The ability to go to locations where they would not be able to go otherwise and do so in greater safety, without fear from the attack of wild animals and bandits while walking.

A man with a broad smile is sitting on a black scooter parked outdoors. He is wearing a light-colored long-sleeved shirt and dark trousers. The scooter has a glossy finish with pink and white accents and the word "Activa" written on the side. The background shows a corrugated metal sheet fence and some foliage, suggesting a sunny day in a residential or semi-urban area.

In some countries, the entire family will ride on the motorbike, allowing the wife and children to attend the newly planted church. While our national church planter teaches and disciples, his wife can encourage the newly converted women, training them so that they may again soon leave for a new area to start another church and repeat the process.

A young child in a blue shirt stands in front of a thatched background, holding onto a rustic metal water pump. The child looks directly at the camera with a hint of a smile, and their hand is on the pump handle, suggesting they may be about to draw water. The environment appears rural with natural lighting highlighting the scene.

Village Well $10,000

You can help bring fresh water to villages that have been won to Christ by our national church planters! Even if you can’t afford to fund a well project yourself, any amount donated will be combined with others.

In recent years, we’ve drilled wells in multiple villages in Pakistan and elsewhere. With advances in technology, we’ve also been able to construct toilets and lay the pipework to all the houses in each village. With the benefit of a solar panel, a pump can run to fill a cistern so that all homes have a continuous supply of running water!

Many remote villages where our national church planters travel do not have access to clean running water. They often have to travel miles every day to collect some from a nearby stream or river.

Gospel Tracts $1

What can compare to sharing the Word while evangelizing new villages? Supply our national church planters with Gospel tracts to help them witness in new communities.

A person's hands are holding a small gospel tract. The left side of the booklet displays text, accompanied by a graphic of a heart in a bathtub. The right side contains more text with an illustration of an open Bible with a pink ribbon bookmark and a Christian cross, indicative of the tract's religious message. The specific text is indistinct.

Chickens $30

Purchase a pair of chickens for our network of national church planters, allowing them to harvest their own eggs and, depending on the situation, allow them to start their own small business to further subsidize their ministry.

School Supplies $50

A lot of countries run their school year from January to December, so help prepare the children with the supplies they need to succeed this coming year.

A line of large plastic bags filled with various food items, resting on top of a wooden bookshelf filled with rows of books. The bags have a printed text that includes 'Touch A Life'

Food Bag $51

Our food bags can help feed a family of 4 for several weeks, depending on the country. What a blessing it is to them, especially during the Christmas season.

Winter Heating $500

Supply wood or cover the cost of natural gas in war-torn Ukraine for heating a house or apartment. Energy prices have skyrocketed, and this is a wonderful outreach for the team.

An open Bible lying on the sand dunes of a desert, with its pages ruffled by the wind. The Bible is thick and appears to be very old with yellowed pages. There's a sense of solitude around it, with no other objects or people in sight. The environment is arid and the sands have ripples formed by the breeze. It is daytime with a clear sky above, casting a bright light upon the scene, creating soft shadows on the sand.

Bible $6

Help supply our local national church planters with Bibles that they can distribute to the new believers and members who cannot afford their own.

Lamp $40

In almost every community our national church planters serve, there is no reliable electricity, so a lamp or lantern is their only tool for lighting their home and as well as their way at night.

Toiletries $50

Supply our national church planters and those in their communities with much-needed necessities such as soap, toilet paper, feminine products, and more.

Goat $380

Purchase goats for our national church planters. These can be invaluable for adding additional nutrition to the diets with their milk while they are also very hardy, eating almost any unwanted vegetation.

Power Pack $1500

Our PowerPack allows our trained national church planters to hit the road and present the gospel to remote areas where there is no power, often to people who have never seen a movie, let alone the Jesus film!


  • The Rev. Jon Nelms is the founder of Final Frontiers. Called to missions at the age of eleven, he has been winning souls since he was twelve. Jon was a street preacher, pastor, church planter, and missionary before founding Final Frontiers in 1986 at the age of 30.

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