Bags of Hope Support Visionary Mission Trips

A group of Honduran villagers gather around a truckload of "Bags of Hope" food supplies provided by the Final Frontiers Foundation.
The Art of Giving

Bags of Hope Support Visionary Mission Trips

At this time every year, we remind you about the food bags we give away with our Visionary Trip groups. And every year, there are those of you who cannot make the trip but enjoy providing us with funds to feed needy families. Inflation has ravaged Honduras even more than here. Last summer, egg prices increased three times in two months. Families accustomed to one egg per person now had to share one for the entire family. That is devastating for families that have meat only once or twice a month, while others are fortunate to get it only once a year.

Honduran villagers organize and distribute the contents of the "Bags of Hope" food supplies provided by the Final Frontiers Foundation.

We like to give what we call Bags of Hope to those who are the most hopeless. Each bag has staple supplies that will last a family up to a week and some even longer. They include rice, beans, oil, sugar, salt, tomato paste, pasta, and flour for tortillas – wheat and corn. When we first started doing this a decade ago, each bag weighed about eight pounds. Now they are way over eleven pounds. Why? Because we have found cheaper suppliers and are able to buy in bulk. The more you give, the more we buy, and the more we get for the dollar.

Each bag costs us $10, and each is given to poor families, many of whom have children who are malnourished or undernourished. So, if you or your friends would like to be a blessing to a needy family, please designate your giving for Bags of Hope here.

Hundreds of "Bags of Hope" food supplies lined up and ready for distribution to needy families in Honduras through the Final Frontiers Foundation's annual initiative.


  • Jon Nelms

    The Rev. Jon Nelms is the founder of Final Frontiers. Called to missions at the age of eleven, he has been winning souls since he was twelve. Jon was a street preacher, pastor, church planter, and missionary before founding Final Frontiers in 1986 at the age of 30.

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