Jon and Nolin are having an amazing summer hosting groups in Honduras, seeing over 100 souls come to Christ and visiting new tribal villages. Jon’s letter also shares updates from his global ministry, including remarkable stories from Germany and the Middle East.
2023 After Missions Reports
Through your partnership, we’ve seen remarkable strides in evangelism and aid. From Pastor Franklin’s restored truck to the launch of life-sustaining projects, each step has been a leap for our shared cause.
Final Frontiers reports 78,622 new house churches started in 2023
As the numbers roll in, we revel in the joyous statistics of the past year—thousands baptized, new churches thriving, and countless villages hearing the gospel. Every figure is a story, a life uplifted, and a community forever transformed.
Outcast and Abandoned
“If I speak about this publicly or in any other place like social media, I’ll get into trouble,” he said, “but the fact is that these kids need help, but they (the authorities) try to sweep them under the rug.”
The STORY Behind the Story – Ministry Supplies
The STORY Behind the Story – When Necessity Becomes the Mother of Invention (ministry supplies). Here , you see a young boy struggling to color a page …
The Devastation of the Earthquake
The world knows that on Monday, February 6, not one earthquake but two earthquakes and multiple aftershocks hit southern Turkey.
Smugglers – The Final Report From A Fallen Pastor
2nd Quarter issue of the Progress Report – Smugglers; I want to thank my God for saving my soul and calling me to spread the Gospel’s message …
Missions Progress Report January 1991
MISSION PROGRESS REPORT January 1991 FINAL FRONTIERS FOUNDATION, INC. MISSION PROGRESS REPORT January 1991 FINAL FRONTIERS FOUNDATION, INC. Thailand, Burma, Laos, China, Bhutan, Tibet… no country seems to be immune…