In the heart of Bengaluru, India, Touch A Life ministers to 12-year-old Sanjana and her family. In the wake of the loss of her father, the Touch A Life feeding center provided meals to the children and taught them about Jesus. The family attends church regularly now.
From Idolator to Christ – From Church Planter to Prisoner
I was born to a passionate idol-worshipping Hindu family and here is my testimony to Christ to Church Planter.
One Preacher Story – An Exciting Journey
From A Hindu Childhood to Atheism to Christianity, a preacher story. He was born and bought up in a Hindu idol-worshiping family.
Meet one of our sponsored leper’s children in India.
645 words – reading time 3 minutes This report and introduction was written by Pastor Ananda Kumar, now with Christ. His son, Kishore Palivela, an Indian Navy veteran, now oversees…
Bible Women
From Lydia in Philipi to Betty Stam in China – Bible Women are an indispensable and unrecognizable asset in ministry. For years you have heard me mention Pastor Thomas Maher…