Bible Women

Bible woman
Bible Women Needs

Bible Women

From Lydia in Philipi to Betty Stam in China – Bible Women are an indispensable and unrecognizable asset in ministry.

For years you have heard me mention Pastor Thomas Maher in Tamil Nadu, India. We support many facets of his work. My good friend, Eddie Wilson (Christian Media International), funds his television ministry, reaching millions with the Gospel. In addition, Thomas has a quarterly newspaper which I am blessed to contribute to, multiple feeding centers we support, and a Bible College. I met Thomas through Evangelist David Wood, who is now with Christ. When I visited Thomas several years ago with my wife and friend, Igor Stojanov of Croatia, we were blessed to spend a good bit of time with his students. Among them was this young lady whose biography follows.

Thomas has asked if we would consider helping her find support as a missionary assistant in Bhutan. The apostle Paul had many female assistants in his ministry. We hope to follow his biblical pattern. She is asking for only $200 monthly support.

Praise the Lord! I am Dawa from West Bengal, along the Bhutan border. I am a 23-year-old girl. When I was a child, I never thought of doing God’s ministry or serving God. My only goal was to enjoy my life until death. Though I belonged to a pastor’s family, I never had the heart to serve Christ. One day my life changed, and I had many questions to which I did not have answers, leading me to depression and self-harm.

Unfortunately, I fell into sickness and was taken to the hospital, where I found that I was affected by lung disease. I went through lots of pain and breathing problems. The doctor said that I might not be able to live longer but that I may die at any time because my lung function had been slowing down. I started to question the existence of God. I lost sleep several nights of the month. Finally, one night when I was going through severe and unbearable physical pain, I called upon God for my healing. What an amazing thing that God healed my pain, and I felt complete deliverance. I waited for the next day, then a week, and after a month there was still no pain. I felt God had completely healed me. After a month, I went through all the medical checkups, and the doctor declared that I was completely healed. This miracle led me to give my life to Jesus. I surrendered my life and said to Him, “I am yours, and I will work for you, Lord, no matter what.” I then took baptism and joined ICM Bible College, where I studied for about three years and graduated with a Bachelor of Theology. I was trained for His work in marvelous ways, and now I want to get into the field and work for Him. I went with other students to Bhutan and learned several things from Dr. Thomas Maher while attending one of his conferences. I also heard his challenge for missionaries to that country. I surrender myself to the call of God through this man of God. Since I returned from that conference, it has been my great burden that I should return to Bhutan as a missionary to win the people to Christ.

You may know that going to Bhutan is not easy but is very risky. I don’t have the finances to go as a full-time missionary, so I hesitated to make my decision. While praying for a few weeks, it suddenly came to my mind to ask Dr. Thomas Maher to send me as an ICM missionary to Bhutan since I studied there. I called him a week ago and asked him if there may be any possibility of accepting me as a full-time missionary. He has agreed and has appointed me as a missionary for The Indian Council of Missions – Bhutan.

I will be going to Bhutan in the last week of January 2023. According to Dr. Thomas Maher, I will begin my ministry there officially on the first of February, 2023. Will you please pray for the country of Bhutan? I can’t publicly carry a Bible or preach. I will work with some national pastors and secretly do house-to-house evangelism. Children’s education is very much needed there. I will be focusing on youth, children, and women. I will be renting a house where I will stay my entire life for Jesus. Bibles are so essential because the people of Bhutan don’t have Bibles. If the government finds that I am doing ministry, I will certainly be arrested and put into prison.

  • My ministry goals are:
  • Evangelism of Children, Youth, and Women
  • Develop and assist church planters in planting house churches
  • Provide Christian literature and Bibles
  • Start Educational centers for children in the mountain villages (Feeding & Educating)
  • Provide Medical assistance for poor people

Please pray for my safety, ministry needs, and personal monthly support and please do not post this on social media.


  • Jon Nelms

    The Rev. Jon Nelms is the founder of Final Frontiers. Called to missions at the age of eleven, he has been winning souls since he was twelve. Jon was a street preacher, pastor, church planter, and missionary before founding Final Frontiers in 1986 at the age of 30.

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