Greetings readers!
If you are reading this, allow me to congratulate you on surviving yet another year while we await The Lord’s return!
A new year has begun, and I often find this a time of personal intersection and reflection.
On that note, I wanted to highlight a few of the accomplishments we made together at Final Frontiers through your tireless assistance and prayers.
These are just a few highlights from special projects during 2023.
Click here for more details about each project.
Motorbikes for Preachers
You donated 24 motorbikes to preachers in need in 2023. These bikes are life-changing for the church planters who receive them. Not only are they a force multiplier that makes them more effective, but they are also a blessing to their families and communities.
Click here for the original article.

Repairs for Pastor Franklin’s Truck

We came to you with a need to assist pastor Geovany Rivera Pineda (Honduras) with much-needed repairs on his truck. While on his way to preach in a rural village, the pastor’s truck was struck and damaged by a motorcycle. The motorcyclist was fine; however, he did not have insurance and was too poor to make any meaningful recompense.
Pastor Geovany (aka Franklin) made a special request: Could we help with the repairs?
We put the need out via email, and you responded with a resounding YES.
These funds were collected and sent to Honduras, and the pastor was able to restore his much-needed vehicle to its previous state.
Agape Water

Our newest feeding center is at Agape Baptist Church in Kenya.
This center began feeding 35 children in this rural village, and a special need arose.
They needed water to assist in feeding hungry children in the community.
We assessed the need and determined it would require an electric pump, solar panel, pipes, fittings, and a water storage vessel.
After pricing out the equipment, we found that this could be accomplished with only $1,400!
We made the need known to you, and again, you responded in kind.

We received the needed funds and wired those to our office in Eldoret. Our director, George Menyon, took charge of the project, and they now have running water. A benefit not only for the local church and children but also for the whole community!
Mehwish Medical

Our director in Pakistan (Shaukut, pronounced “Show Cut”) contacted us with an urgent personal need. His wife Mehwish had become deathly ill and had been hospitalized for two weeks. She would need surgery and skin grafts. After counting the costs, we determined that $2000 would provide for the need. You responded by giving a total of $2026.29!
The funds were quickly dispatched, and the surgery was a success. By the following weekend, she was home and attended Sunday service, where she shared her testimony. Praise God!
Click here for the original article.
Financial Planning
We’ve started a webinar series with Scott Vignere to help educate you on final planning. We hold these monthly, live via Zoom, but you can watch past episodes on our YouTube channel.
Our channel continues to grow and expose new people to our philosophy of missions. This year, we started a new series called A Day in the Life of. We follow around a person who is often a local church member in 3rd world countries. I wanted to make a simple, low-production-cost series that we could film while in places filming our works. My goal was to educate the viewer on how much of the world lives on a day-to-day basis.
At the time of my writing, our most recent video has gained over 11k views! Up from just a few hundred a few days prior! It seems to have struck a chord with the algorithm and gone viral. It’s a video showing the life of a hunter in rural India. The people are real; the struggles are real. This is life for most of the planet.
My family enjoys watching these together, and even when things seem glum, it’s a regular reminder of just how good we have it in the USA.
We covet your feedback on YouTube. Whenever a person likes or dislikes a video, it benefits us in the YouTube algorithm. Every subscription and every comment is important!
So please visit our YouTube channel and watch a video or two. Share them with friends if you think they would be interested. Leave a thumbs or even a thumbs down.
Comment on the videos you watch, even if the comment isn’t positive. We desperately want to know what YOU have to say. If you think we should change something, say something!
Lastly, if you enjoyed what you saw and think you’d like to see more, make sure to subscribe and hit the Bell icon so that you’ll be notified when we upload new videos.
It has been my sincere pleasure to continue to guide Final Frontiers through all the ups and downs that 2023 threw our way. And I look forward to the new challenges 2024 has yet to bring.
Thanks for everything, and my God bless you and yours.
Touch A Life Kenya

TAL Kenya is going strong. One of our TAL centers in Kenya celebrated its first anniversary! We posted about this on our Facebook page on November 7, so if you haven’t followed us already on social media, now would be a great time to change that!
The Great Commission Fund

Through old collective efforts, we were able to take on an additional 155 new full-time church planters! Give thanks as God continues to bless this vital aspect of our ministry.
Cost per soul ratio (See additional article here)
By God’s grace, our effectiveness continues to increase!
Being a person who’s always been fascinated by numbers, I want to share a quick breakdown to illustrate the fruits of our labors.
The collective cost per salvation is now just 11 cents. What a bargain!
The cost of planting a new church is just $4.00. Evangelizing a new village, only $1.27. And the cost per newly baptized believer? Just $0.29.
How do we do it? In short, economy of scale. Read more about that here.