Pastor Yelchuri Sudhakar Rao from Master Piece Outreach Ministries in India reports a joyous graduation ceremony for the 2024 Sewing School. Graduates received certificates and sewing machines, with the government providing support to start their own businesses. This initiative is transforming lives and empowering women in a remarkable way.
The story of Lakshman and Rekha, abandoned and left with a leprous grandpa, highlights the incredible impact of Final Frontiers’ Touch a Life program. Enrolled in school and receiving daily meals, these children now have a chance at a better future.
A Refuge for the Fatherless
In the heart of Bengaluru, India, Touch A Life ministers to 12-year-old Sanjana and her family. In the wake of the loss of her father, the Touch A Life feeding center provided meals to the children and taught them about Jesus. The family attends church regularly now.
From Idolator to Christ – From Church Planter to Prisoner
I was born to a passionate idol-worshipping Hindu family and here is my testimony to Christ to Church Planter.
How Touch a Life India is making an impact among the children of widows.
The power of the Gospel has changed many lives, and it excites me to know and hear how great and wonderful our God is. One such changed life is mentioned below.
A Giant Leap Forward; The Great Commission Fund
What would you think if I told you that our Great Commission Fund has grown so much that we can now support all these men you see in the photo?
Building a Church in India
As I am sure most of you know, the Modi regime has been ratcheting up persecution against religious freedom in India. A government that had at one time been generally…
Empower Women’s Futures: Support Our Sewing School Project
Imagine a journey where education is not only a means to learn a valuable skill but also a path to faith and self-discovery. Over the years, their sewing school has provided training to nearly 400 women, many of whom come from Hindu backgrounds.
Outcast and Abandoned
“If I speak about this publicly or in any other place like social media, I’ll get into trouble,” he said, “but the fact is that these kids need help, but they (the authorities) try to sweep them under the rug.”
One Preacher Story – An Exciting Journey
From A Hindu Childhood to Atheism to Christianity, a preacher story. He was born and bought up in a Hindu idol-worshiping family.