On Sunday, October 13th, 2024, during the night, bandits broke the door of this pastor’s house and entered. The stillness of the night was overtaken by screaming, cursing, and breaking of what small possessions the family owned. After beating them and doing all manners of evil against them, they left, taking everything of value they wanted, which was all their money and other goods. Then, at the end of it all, they kidnaped Pastor Zola. As they left, they injected him with a drug, and he lost consciousness. For five days we were all looking for him when finally, the police found him discarded on a road. They took him to the hospital for primary treatment, and after one day at the hospital, he recovered consciousness. He had spent those days unconscious, with neither food nor water. It was a miracle he was still alive. After being revived, he gave the police his family’s phone number, and they came, with his church members, to retrieve him.

Please know that his situation is crucial, as the family has suffered greatly and lost all their (few) possessions. The church and all the family are destabilized.
Your prayers and well wishes will be a great help and blessing.
Pastor Isaac Saidi Marcel
Final Frontiers National Director
There are so many tragedies happening around the world. We try to make you aware to secure your prayers and, when possible, financial assistance to help because they are our Family. This is a short story with a prolonged impact. Though we don’t know their total need, which would include medical treatment, and though we don’t expect it to be excessive in our eyes, they, as citizens of the Congo, lost almost all they had, the sum of which may have taken the equivalent of a year’s income to acquire. Now, they have virtually nothing but wounds and bruises and the joy of reuniting. If you feel led to help, you can donate below, or mail in a check and make a note that it is for “Fleurry Zola.”