Summer Youth Camp SALVATIONS

A group of joyful young people and adults engaging in outdoor activities, with a focus on a colorful oversized beach ball being tossed in the air among a crowd of smiling faces in a lush park setting.
The Art of Giving Youth Camp

Summer Youth Camp SALVATIONS

In Kenya, for many years Missionary Jerry Daniels has conducted a Passage to Manhood Camp for boys in their early to late teens. He and his Kenyan pastors started this ministry some years ago in response to the pagan ritual the boys attended as they entered manhood. Now, even unbelievers are choosing his evangelistic and character-building program over the pagan festival their tribes have always celebrated. During one recent Passage to Manhood camp, the Kenyan team reported that 131 young men completed the 3-week course, during which 94 accepted Jesus as Savior! Also, a month-long soccer tournament brought the Gospel to many villages and saw 62 salvation decisions.

Beneath a canopy of hope, a congregation of young minds exchange traditional rites of passage for Gospel transformation.

A diverse gathering of individuals, predominantly women and children, seated attentively under a vibrant red and yellow canopy in a park, engaged in a community event or educational activity.

The changed lives of the boys who’ve gone through this program are all the advertisements needed, and there’s a waiting list again this year! Incredibly, young boys, not yet old enough to attend, rather than yearning for an older age so they can smoke, drink, and sow mischief, yearn instead for the age when they can attend the Passage to Manhood Camp. I find that incredible! $35 is the cost for one young man to attend the month-long camp. We want to raise enough for at least 100 to attend. That’s $3,500.00.

In Pakistan, Pastor Shaukat Siddique does two camps each year. That’s because he has seen the great success they are generating and wants to do all he can to affect the spiritual condition of his country. Each year, he recruits the youth from their growing number of churches to attend and bring an unsaved friend with them. Each day they have games and skits, activities, Bible stories with specific purposes, songs, and preaching. The conversion rate is so high that it is rare for a young person to attend, spend the week, and go home without Christ.

The Pakistani camp is for young men and ladies ages fifteen to thirty. Most had never known a Christian, never seen a Bible, and knew nothing of Jesus other than he was a wise and loving prophet, second in relevance to Mohammad. They leave camp knowing He is the virgin-born Son of God, their sacrifice, redeemer, and savior.

A young participant confidently steps forward during a group activity at a youth camp, with attentive peers and adult mentors surrounding her, under a banner of Final Frontiers Foundation dated 14 April 2023.

A moment of engagement and mentorship unfolds as a young girl interacts with her peers and guides at a Final Frontiers youth camp.

Prices in Pakistan are much higher than in Kenya. Funding for one young man or lady to attend is $130 and covers all expenses, including transportation, for six days. We hope to raise funds for at least 220 youth, which would be $28,600.

So, here are two compelling ministry opportunities for you to consider. If you can give to make them even more successful, I encourage you to join Nolin and me in doing so – for their benefit and His glory. You can donate online (select “Special Projects” and then “Youth Camps”) or mail in support and designate it to “Youth Camps.”


  • Jon Nelms

    The Rev. Jon Nelms is the founder of Final Frontiers. Called to missions at the age of eleven, he has been winning souls since he was twelve. Jon was a street preacher, pastor, church planter, and missionary before founding Final Frontiers in 1986 at the age of 30.

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